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Helping you get condos financed in Florida

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Why is it difficult to obtain a mortgage on a condo in Florida?

Have you heard any of the following statements?

  1. BulletThere is no financing available for condos in Florida. - not true.

  2. BulletAll condo mortgages require a 25%-30% down payment. - not true.

  3. BulletThe condo must be on Fannie Mae or FHA/HUD approved lists. - not true.

  4. BulletThe maximum investor ratio is 30%, or 50%. - both are not true.

Read on to learn more.......

Find out what type of approval your condo may qualify for.
Click hereCheck_my_Condo.htmlCheck_my_Condo.htmlCheck_my_Condo.htmlCheck_my_Condo.htmlCheck_my_Condo.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0shapeimage_11_link_1shapeimage_11_link_2shapeimage_11_link_3

FloridaHomePath.com, LLC is not a mortgage lender.  FLCondoTeam.com is a site for information purposes only.  All information provided is based on Fannie Mae condo project requirements.  Click here for Fannie Mae resources.  Lenders and banks reserve the right to have more restrictive requirements at their sole discretion. 

** All loan information is updated frequently.  Contact a Mortgage Professional to confirm loan details.  All material is subject to change without notice.

FloridaHomePath.com is not owned or affiliated with Fannie Mae.  Flcondoteam.com is owned and operated by FloridaHomePath.com, LLC.  See our privacy policy and terms of service.

Anyone looking to finance a condo unit should always check the warrantability of the project prior to signing a contract to purchase.Check_my_Condo.html

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What do we do?

  1. -We provide valuable information for anyone involved in a real estate transaction on a condo in Florida.

  1. -We help Realtors, Developers, and Consumers with getting their condo projects approved for conventional or FHA financing.

  1. -We provide Realtors with resources to help sell condo listings faster and help find condos that are eligible for financing.

What are our Fees?

  1. -$0

Why do we offer our services for FREE?

- Because it is the right thing to do for the condo real estate market in Florida.